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I've just moved the Fabtoys site to a new web host, please indicate me if you have any troubles to download files
The new FabPaint 3.0 for VO 2.8 is still under developpement. I hope to release it for VODC - Munich
In the announcement, I also have to add a plugin for Vulcan langage in Reflector which should be released in the next month...I hope...
I've started to rework FabZip to support VO2.8 and the new DelphiZip 1.79 Dll; but the work is ... heavy...I hope you're not waiting after it's release...
Contacts - Part 2
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I would like to thanks the great VO community, which is definitly great !!!
Some of you have positivly respond to my search of contact, and I'm really happy to say that some of my student will have the great pleasure to meet some of you :
. One in Netherland, Two in Quebec....wich means 3 students on a total of 12 moving, it's 25% !
Unfortunalty, for some administrative reason, and may be too short delay, we have missed a possiblity in australia, but may be next year !
Anyhow, many thanks to all of you!! And...I'm still looking for contacts for September 2008 ! ( Ok, it's a bit far )
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This message is more destinated to scotish users.....
I'm going to Glasgow and Edinburgh in September...part for Rugby and part for my teacher's work, but I would happy to meet some VO-ers or Vulcan-ers during my journey.
I will be in Edinburgh from September, 17 to September, 18 and then in Glasgow from September 19 to September 21 or 22, 2007.
If you are interested, drop me a mail and we could share a coffee or a beer !!
Searching for contacts
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I teach to undergraduate students (studies which last for two years), and I'm searching for contacts with "Computer firms" (I'm not sure the term is the right one....) involved in development or sales, or any sort of professionnal activity dealing with computers for a professionnal training period. This period lasts for 6 weeks at least and is part of the studies, so they don't need any salary.
The students get an official grant from the French government to help them pay for their travelling expenses and accomodation. It is not a lot but it helps.
Students are 18-20 years old, and the training period ( a kind of internship ) takes place at the beginning of the second year. They have some basic skills in C++, C#, Java, Php and MySQL; also some knowledge in network cabling and setup, but don't forget they are still students ;-)
There are many goal for this period; but in my point of view the knowledge of the "Working World" and how other people are living are the most important. Sure a programming period would be great, but why not in a computer store : selling computer parts , help customers, computer repairs...well, anything that could computer related.
I'm searching for some "contacts" who may be interested in welcoming a French student from beginning of September to the middle of October in any job related to computers.
Any help would be welcome
Trouble with FabZip
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The FabZip lib may encounter some troubles if you try to produce files that are bigger than 2Go.
I've already tried to correct this problem, but due to the way the DelZip is working and non-support for 64 bits values in VO, I couldn't find a working and stable workaround, sorry.