- Parent Category: News
Some news of current state of work :
. New FabOutlook bar lib, with MS Office 2003 sytle support. Everything seems ok, just few corrections in the comments/documentation
French Student
- Parent Category: News
As you may know, I'm a VO/Vulcan user but I'm also teaching computer sciences/languages in a french technical high school to students that are approx. 20 years old.
DevFest 2008
- Parent Category: News
I have the great pleasure to be one of the speaker this year at the DevFest 2008 .
I will present a session about a Reflector's plugin for Vulcan, and some (basic) technics to protect your code, known as Obfuscation; and also a session about Marshalling and Delagates in C#, and use of the produced assembly in Vulcan.
I hope I could meet you there....and may be we could talk about a french student as trainee ?
FabPaint V3.0.1.2
- Parent Category: News
The original V3.0 DLL has a bug in the way SaveAsJPEG hanlde images after any modification to the original.
The new DLL is correcting this and add some chagne in the way showing a image is done.
Lost & Found
- Parent Category: News
If you were at the VODC 2007 in Munich, have a Canon PowerShot 710 IS camera, and did lost a SD card with your holiday's pictures....
I may have found it on my way out of the big conference room on Friday !
Drop me a mail, I will be happy to sent it back to you.
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