Vulcan 302
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Yesterday, Vulcan.NET 3.02 has been released.
Many things have been made to enhance Vulcan and to prepare the future.
Vulcan.NET now support extensions methods, which opens the road to Linq.
Some changes were made inside Intellisense to support C#/VB project inside a Vulcan.NET solution
The next steps will be to support Vs2013 and the FileCodeModel, which will open the road to some other Vs Extension.
At the same time, the new Vulcan Language for Reflector 6 has been released, and Vulcan Language for Reflector 8 is now part of the installation.
DevShare 13
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I'm very pleased to say that I will be present at DevShare 13, in Shrewton (uk)
I will present "what's new" with Vulcan3 in Vs2010 and vs2012...and maybe some news that you may have missed in the latest Vulcan2.
We will also talk about the changes/enhancements from the User-Experience in Visual Studio that you can expect for the next releases.
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- Parent Category: News
Hope I will have the opportunity to meet you at the Vulcan.LIVE Conference, in Koln.
I will present two sessions about GUI usage from WinForms to WPF, and Modern UI !
CU Soon
Reflector 8 is out
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- Parent Category: News
Reflector 8 is out, and you would like to use your Vulcan.NET plugin....
Ok, it's now possible !
Just give me few days, after the Vulcan.LIVE conference, and it will be there.
New Reflector AddIn
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- Parent Category: News
Now that Vn208 is out and Vn209 is I've published my Vulcan language AddIn for Reflector 7 and Reflector 6 version.
That version is supporting the EVENT and the PROPERTY keywords, and is correcting few bugs, specially in handling Try/Catch/Finally constructions.
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